The best part about having strong shoulders… They make a great seat for my boy. Unfortunately, his a$$ will eventually get too big for this kind of seat.I wish it wasn’t the case. I wish…
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Adaptability and Resilience
The winning combination we often miss. Resilience often gets all the attention and rightly so. Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. Resilient individuals don’t just endure stress and pressure—they learn from these…
‘Hard’ isn’t the bad guy
Resilience isn’t something we always choose. It’s often something we discover through life’s inevitable punches to the face. Whether we like it or not, tough times find us all. If they haven’t found you yet,…
Lead by Example
“Do as I say, not as I do…” Another prehistoric phrase that needs to be deleted. If I am saying that to my kids I’m probably doing something I shouldn’t be doing. Or, if I…
The Power of Small Steps
“Better than yesterday” has become a bit of a motto of mine. Cool kids might call it a mantra. I was fortunate enough to witness my son’s first steps. It was a really profound moment….